Wayne Everett, today's Know Your Exchangite, shared a historic BYU UofU game that he felt Jinks needed to know about.
Fund-raising Committee recommended a number of possibilities for fund-raising, with the goal of having it simple, once a year, and have a good chance of raising $15,000 or more. Some suggestions were:
1) Photo Shoot with Iron Man (5/2010), and an additional Mayors Walk with Iron Man
2) A Cruise
3) Raffle off an exotic car
4) Annual Radiothon
5) Encourage trust/will donations to Club Foundation
6) Annual New Year's Exotic German Hof Brau Luncheon
7) Bowling Tournament
Membership Committee is looking for photos from all club members that can be used in a promotional DVD that will be presented to City Council, Chamber of Commerce, and used as a recruiting tool. Also, an email will be coming soon asking for everyone's response to thought provoking questions the will help identify what it is that brought you into the exchange club and what drives you to remain a member of the club. These responses will be valuable to help others connect with us and join the club. Members will be asked to recruit one member by a yet to be determined deadline (ie December 31). More details will be in an upcoming email.
Go Cougars!